Instagram has become an important aspect of our life, we all can agree to that. Now it’s not just a social platform to update our pictures casually but something that we can’t even go a day without checking. Whether we are using it for business, entertainment, or as an influencer.. It has surely developed competitiveness among us. Even if we do not admit it, we are stuck in this materialistic cycle of likes and followers. Feel like..everyone is running too fast and you couldn’t catch up?? Failing to understand why your insta reels and posts are not being acknowledged as they should be.?? Or just wondering why your online business is not progressing enough digitally..?? Don’t worry.. take a breath, while we collect all the information u need…And give u a guide to outsmarting the algorithm.(it’ll be our secret..!!shhh)

When is the Best time to Post On Instagram?

They say, ‘Rome wasn’t built in A-day.. But yet what a difference A-day can make’  xoxo..gossip girl. Time holds such value! You’ll be shocked to know. Though all Instagram accounts have their unique audiences making each account has a different time priority for efficient social engagement. But.. a number of researches have been done and the hotspots for Instagram posting have been found out. Also, read How Many People Can You Follow On Instagram?

Best Time to Post on Instagram as per Days of the Week 

Monday: Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday-  6 am, 10 am, and 10 pm EST

Tuesday:Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesday- 2 am, 4 am, and  9 am EST

Wednesday: Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesday- 7 am, 8 am, and 11 pm EST

Thursday: Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursday- 9 am, 12 pm, and 7 pm EST

Friday:Best Time to Post on Instagram on Friday- 5 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm EST

Saturday: Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturday- 11 am, 7 pm, and 8 pm EST

Sunday: Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday- 7 am, 8 am, and 4 pm EST

Though the data is generalized to know the ‘best time to post on Instagram’ but each profile has its unique audience that affects its social engagement. Similarly a hypothesis for The Worst Time to Post on Instagram Each Day has also been researched.

The Worst Time to Post on Instagram Each Day

Monday: 2 PMTuesday: 1 PMWednesday: 10 AMThursday: 11 PMFriday: 9 AMSaturday: 4 PMSunday: 10 AM

It is surprising to see that the best times to post on Instagram were so early in the day. It is because of two reasons- 

People generally check their phones as soon as they wake up..and posting when your audience is most active and fresh seems like the most effective strategy.Another factor is, posting earlier in the day, accounts benefit from less competition. By posting early in the day, our content has the best chance of ranking up and seen by our followers, irrespective of when they are usually active.

Thus, both increase our chances of getting likes and acknowledgment. Also, read Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Story?

Best times: Tuesday 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Monday through Friday 11 a.m.Best day: TuesdayWorst day: Sunday

The Best Time to Post on Instagram as per Location

A significant aspect that affects Instagram is Location because of the different lifestyles of the people.. Therefore knowing the correct time to post on Instagram can be very helpful –

US and Canada (Western): 12 AM-6 AMUS and Canada (Central): 6AM-8AMUS and Canada (Eastern): 4 AM-9 AMSouth America: 4 AMUK: 4 AM-6 AMEurope (Western): 6-8 PMEurope (Eastern): 5 AM-7 AMAfrica: 6 AMSouth Asia and the Middle East: 3 AMEast Asia and Southeast Asia: 11 PM-4 AMAustralasia: 11PM – 2AM

Best Time to Post on Instagram as per Industry 

  1. Retail Instagram has now become a shopping hub more than ever. Due to the Coronavirus Lockdown, people spent so much time indoors with no shopping outlets open in the outside world. There was a hike in Instagram in sales of online retail sites and accounts therefore, if the retailers have to maintain their customers, they need proper information to maintain them. Also, read How To Add Text On Instagram Reels?

Best time to post on Instagram: Wednesday afternoon (3 pm) & Friday midday (11 am – 12 pm)Ultimate Best Day: WednesdayWorst Day: Sunday – most people are busy with their family during weekends. Lowest Engagement: Late Night & Early Mornings 

  1. Media & Entertainment The primary purpose of the audience to visit Instagram is for entertainment, it is a crucial outlet for media as well as entertainment. Therefore the best time for entertainment as well as media industry to stand out by posting on –

Best time to post on Instagram: Friday morning (9 am)Best Engagement: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during work hours (8-5 pm)Lowest Engagement: Saturday and Sunday

  1. Non-Profit Events This is a digital world where invitations have evolved to e-invitations and pamphlets have evolved to online posters. Whether it’s a charity event or galas everything is promoted on social platforms. It is necessary to know their:

Best time to post on Instagram:  Wednesday at 2 pm Highest Engagement: Wednesday (1-4 pm)Worst Days for Engagement: Saturday & Sundays

  1. Education Colleges and schools are using Instagram as a tool to build a presence online for promoting their campus, experiences, and offerings to potential students and current happenings to inform those already enrolled. Faculty and students are active later in the day so-

Best time to post on Instagram: Friday mornings at 10 am Most Consistent Engagement: Wednesday through Saturday (10 am – 8 pm)Highest Engagement: Wednesday & Friday mid-morning and Saturday nights (6 pm – 8 pm)Worst Days for Engagement: Sunday 

  1. Healthcare  In emergency situations like coronavirus, we saw how the Instagram platform became helpful as a medium to spread important messages as well as a source for medical requirements. Due to the large no. of viewers, it reaches a greater audience if we know:

Best time to post on Instagram: Tuesday at 8 am Most Consistent Engagement: Weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm Worst Days for Engagement: Saturday & Sundays have minimal engagement in most industries.

Also, read How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram?

How to Find Your Unique Best Time to Post on Instagram?

If you are an active member of social media and want to get a step further by knowing your personal unique best time of getting the maximum Instagram have come just to the right place..!!  Your best time is the particular period when you have the highest number of active followers and when you get the most feedback to your posts, stories as well as insta reels. You can know your best time by:

  1. Manually  Post at different times throughout the week, and make a spreadsheet to figure out your unique time.
  2. Using Instagram Insights Use Instagram’s insights to understand when the majority of your audience is most active and most importantly where are they located 
  3. Using Later Tool Later is an app that has an in-built feature called “Best Time to Post” which, as the name highlights, shows the best time to post on Instagram for your account specifically. It calculates the top times that your Instagram followers are active, and when you should schedule for maximum engagement. Also, read How To Add Reels To Your Profile Grid In 2021 | Step-By-Step Guide

Wrapping Up

While the quality of your content holds a crucial position, the time of your posting is also a decisive factor on social media. Since now you know the best timing to post depending on your location, industry as well as the audience, I hope you get the desired results and be successful in your endeavors. Well, now you know the secret to their algorithm, use it to your advantage, and steal the show with your posts. Visit the site and Do comment if you need further help on any such topics..!!


Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 68Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 11Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 74Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 65Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 89Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 34Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 74Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 86Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 39Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 94Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram For Maximum Likes and Engagement - 1